Impact of globalization on the resilience and sustainability of natural resources
Talk, CCS 2019, Singapore
This was a contributed talk during the international Conference of Complex Systems 2019
You can also see a map of all the places where I've given a talk.
Talk, CCS 2019, Singapore
This was a contributed talk during the international Conference of Complex Systems 2019
Talk, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
This was an invited talk at the international conference @Granada Seminars.
Talk, StatPhys27, Como, Italy
This was an invited talk at the international School of “Model-guided Data Science”
Talk, StatPhys27, Buenos Aires, Argentina
This was a contributed talk during the international conference @StatPhys27
Talk, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
This was an invited talk during the lunch seminar series @Santa Fe Institute
Talk, ICTP, Arcidosso, Italy
This talk has been held during the INFN Workshop PLEXINET and BIOPHYS project.
Talk, CISM and University of Udine, Udine, Italy
This talk has been held during the School in System Biology of the University of Udine.
Talk, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
This talk has been held during the Advanced Workshop on Nonequilibrium Systems in Physics, Geosciences and Life Sciences @ICTP.
Talk, Salina Island, Sicily, Salina, Italy
This talk has been held during the 4th Mediterranean School of Complex Networks.
Talk, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
This talk has been held during the XXII National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems.